Amnesty International’s research details the use of excessive force by the Taliban’s security forces as they try to police a ban on peaceful protests
Since seizing control of Afghanistan a year ago, the Taliban have mounted a sustained attack on human rights, persecuting minority groups, violently clamping down on peaceful protests, suppressing women’s rights and using extrajudicial executions and disappearances to spread fear among Afghans, Amnesty International said in a new briefing today.
The briefing, The Rule of Taliban: A Year of Violence, Impunity and False Promises, documents gross human rights violations under a year of Taliban rule. It reveals widespread impunity for crimes such as torture, revenge killings and forced evictions of opponents of the Taliban, who initially promised to uphold women’s rights, press freedom and an amnesty for government officials.
“A year ago, the Taliban made public commitments to protect and promote human rights. Yet the speed with which they are dismantling 20 years of human rights gains is staggering. Any hopes of change have quickly evaporated as the Taliban seek to govern through violent repression with full impunity,” said Yamini Mishra, Amnesty International’s South Asia Regional Director.
“Arbitrary detentions, torture, disappearances, summary executions have returned as the order of the day. Women and girls have been stripped of their rights and face a bleak future, deprived of education or the possibility of taking part in public life.”
Amnesty International is calling on the Taliban to immediately stop committing gross human rights violations and crimes under international law. As Afghanistan’s de facto authorities, the Taliban must urgently restore, protect and promote the rights of Afghan people.
“To prevent Afghanistan’s human rights crisis from spiralling further, the international community must take meaningful action to hold the Taliban accountable for these crimes,” Yamini Mishra said.
"Arbitrary detentions, torture, disappearances, summary executions have returned as the order of the day. Women and girls have been stripped of their rights and face a bleak future, deprived of education or the possibility of taking part in public life."
– Yamini Mishra, Amnesty International’s South Asia Regional Director.
Freedom of expression & assembly
Amnesty International’s research details the use of excessive force by the Taliban’s security forces as they try to police a ban on peaceful protests. In several large cities, security forces dispelled peaceful protests by beating and shooting unarmed protesters.
One protester from Herat province told Amnesty International of the injuries inflicted by security forces: “I saw one man lying in a pool of blood in a ditch in the street; I believe he had been killed… My hand was fractured but I didn’t go to the hospital, fearing that I could be arrested for participating in the protests.”
The Taliban’s crackdown on freedom of expression has targeted human rights defenders and civil society activists, many of whom have been harassed, threatened, detained, and even killed as a direct result of their human rights work.
Press freedom has also come under attack. On 19 September 2021, the Government Media and Information Centre (GMIC) issued an order containing vague wording that forbids journalists from publishing stories ‘contrary to Islam’ or ‘insulting to national figures’.
In the past year, more than 80 journalists have been arrested and tortured for reporting on peaceful protests. One journalist told Amnesty International: “I was beaten and whipped so hard on my legs that I couldn’t stand… My family signed (a) document, promising that I would not speak out about what happened to me after my release; if I did, the Taliban would have the right to arrest my entire family.”
Arbitrary arrests, torture and ill-treatment
Since August 2021, there have been widespread reports of Taliban soldiers beating and torturing Afghans deemed to have broken Taliban edicts or accused of working with the former government.
Hundreds of civilians have been unlawfully detained. Many are beaten with rifle butts or whipped during arrest. Sahiba* (not her real name), a female protestor, told Amnesty International her body was covered in bruises after the Taliban security forces finished with her.
“There was no court, no charges and no due process; we were abducted from the streets, kept in a private jail for several days during which we had no access to our family, lawyer or any other official… Some of the women and girls who were with me in the same room never returned and none of us knew what happened to them,” Sahiba said.
Extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances
Revenge killings, summary executions of alleged resistance fighters and other crimes reportedly committed since the Taliban takeover could amount to war crimes.
There have been hundreds of extra judicial killings, with bodies found with gunshot wounds or signs of torture. Dozens of people have been disappeared, their whereabouts still unknown, because of their work under the previous government or because they are suspected of being involved in resistance against the Taliban.
Torab Kakar, 34, told Amnesty International, that despite securing a “pardon letter” from the Taliban, his friend Jalal, who had served in the Afghan National Defence Security Forces (ANDSF), was taken away to an undisclosed location by the Taliban.
“The Taliban tied his hands behind him, blind-folded him and kept beating him while his wife and children, parents and younger siblings were crying and screaming.” When Jalal’s family looked for him, they were threatened by the local head of intelligence and warned to stop their search.
“The Taliban tied his hands behind him, blind-folded him and kept beating him while his wife and children, parents and younger siblings were crying and screaming.”
Torab Kakar, 34 about his friend Jalal
Persecution of ethnic and religious minorities
Within weeks of the Taliban taking power, reports emerged of non-Pashtun Afghans being forcibly evicted from their homes and farms, so that the Taliban could reward their followers with land taken from other groups, particularly Hazaras, Turkmen and Uzbeks.
Evictions were reported across the country, including in Balkh, Helmand, Daikundi, Kandahar and Uruzgan provinces, contributing to already huge numbers of internally displaced people. By June 2022, the United Nations estimated that the number of internally displaced Afghans had grown to more than 820,000.
On 30 August 2021, the Taliban unlawfully killed 13 ethnics Hazaras, including a 17-year-old girl, in Daikundi province. According to eyewitness testimony gathered by Amnesty International, the Taliban extrajudicially executed nine former members of the ANDSF who had surrendered — killings that appear to be war crimes.
Restrictions on women and girls
The Taliban have subjected women to increasing violence since they took power. Sometimes as a way of punishing their family members.
Lida, the wife of a former member of the Afghan security forces, was shot and killed by two armed Taliban men on a motorbike. The 22-year-old, who was eight months pregnant, was killed along with her two children aged two and four years old.
Dozens of women have been arrested and tortured for holding peaceful protests demanding their rights, amid mounting restrictions that have stripped away their freedoms.
The Taliban has clamped down on the right to education, blighting the prospects for millions of Afghan girls. When secondary schools reopened on 17 September 2021, the Taliban forbid girls above grade six to attend, claiming it was a temporary situation while they recruited more female teachers and ensured ‘appropriate’ conditions were put in place for gender segregated education. To date, none of these plans have been implemented.
Meena* (not her real name), a 29-year-old teacher from Kabul, told Amnesty International of her despair for her daughter’s future: “…we are repeating history… I look at my uniform, remembering the school days, students, and teachers but I am left with no choice but to stay home.”
Decrees and announcements made by the taliban between september 2021-may 2022
“We must not just stand on the side-lines, watching as the human rights of a whole population collapses. A firm, meaningful and united international response is the only hope of ending the nightmare that Afghans have endured for a year now.”
Yamini Mishra, Amnesty International’s South Asia Regional Director.
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Tags: taliban, Arbitrary arrests, torture, enforced disappearances, Extrajudicial killings.
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